Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rounderwear Jam Jeans underwear

Listen, not as stunning as the model on their webpage above, but I did promise to try on and review Rounderwear's new style of underwear. So here's the only pic of myself I have posted on this site (below) with their Jam Jeans trunk briefs ($25). I have long legs so trunk briefs suit me better than briefs which suit shorter guys. I really am impressed with the fit of the "jeans" and the colour and styling. For those who prefer other styles, their online shopping website is quite comprehensive and you can choose from boxers, briefs, trunks, jockstrap, shirts and pants ($9.50 - $25). I liked the Jam range of more trendy styles which include Jam Gold, Jam Silver, Jam Jeans, Jam Beat, Jam Rocks, Jam Mood and Jam Fit. Check out their website and go shopping. If any of my readers want to send any self-pics wearing these or any other undies.. bring it on. I will publish here. Send to


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